Saturday, March 7, 2009

Appropriately Named

This post is really just to say "Thanks TT!!!" For if it weren't for you gals blogging about theses tasty treats, my size 8 jeans still might fit me today! I'm talking of course about the one, the only, the incredibly...TastyKake!!! Behold!!!!

No wonder you East Coasters have been keeping these from us. They are to die (end kill) for!!! Let me describe them for you. The ones I masticated over were made of moist, fluffy chocolate cake. Butter cream frosting filled the inside. On top was more buttercream frosting and a stripe of chocolate butter cream down the center. These were no cheap Hostess cupcakes made with imitation "frosting". These were the real things. Dare I say it? I love them and I'm NEVER going back to Hostess again! Oh...and screw you Little Debbie, too!!! They are tasty and they are kake!

One day Ashlee was reading an article in our local rag about an Italian Restaurant in Burien that no only serves up traditional cheese steak sandwiches, but they also happen to be one of the only places in WA that you can find Tastykakes. Kudos Hey Paison. And if you're ever in Burien, I HIGHLY recommend picking up a package or 5!!!

1 comment:

Bird Shit said...

I'm sorry about the Tastycakes...we could not keep the secret to ourselves though. I really could go for one now, DARN IT! lol