Friday, March 27, 2009
Wish I could shut my Playboy mouth!

Wanna be my friend?

Back to my story: So its was really uncomfortable milling around the reception hall talking to the ex's family and being nicey-nice to these people that 01) I don't see very often and 11) are a contributing factor to my divorce. Then 1 of the SIL's, the fat one (she's the follower of the group. She doesn't have a single original thought of her own), comes up to me and is all "hey, its so good to see you. How have you been? We should really get together" Like she's my BFF. So I tell her "I've been great. Never better! Thanks." I turn and walk away.
Really? You want to be my friend now? Really? I thought you were a major bitch when I was "family" and had to associate with you. Now that I'm no longer part of your gossip circle you want to be my friend? Really? Why? Have you just run out of people in the family to talk about and you need fresh blood? No! Fuck you. Sorry that I've lost weight and that I'm uber happy now. Sucks that you're still fat....and a bitch. Go bother someone else you fat, unhappy troll!! And for the love of Goddess, STOP requesting me to be your "friend" on MS and FB. Its not gonna happen!!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My crib!
I've been in my apartment almost a month now and its just finally starting to feel like home. I still have a few more small touches to finish here and there. Some pictures to get up on the walls and some knick-knacks that need to find homes, but its all starting to come together. Enjoy!
Master P's bathroom.
Yes, the shower curtain is a
grass skirt! And the rug
is a surf board!
Not even sure why they gave me
one. They obviously don't
know me very well!
My uber comfy living room.
The sofa and chair are big enough
for me and Steve and even Master P
to cuddle in!
As they say on Cribs, this is where the
magic happens!
As you can see, Fred has already made
himself right at home on the bed.
This is Master P's domain.
I still have some work to do on it.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I just kissed Criss Angel

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Don't say I didn't warn you!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Guinness & Jaeger shots...(not so) Brilliant!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Happy Birfday Tab!
About a month ago now, maybe a little more, Ashlee, Day and myself decided to throw Tabitha a surprise birfday party. Actually we were supposed to go to Leavenworth for a girl's weekend of wine tasting and frivolousness, we were even going to wear matching outfits (yes, we're THAT gay!). Unfortunately shyt happens and we had a change of plans. So we decided to take our collective gay-ness and throw her a good ol-fashioned Graham Cracker-style birfday party, complete with a cake wreck!
Birthday gift
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday Funnies

Me: Ummm, its a thong.....on a car...what's the point??
Ashlee: Why do you want an explanation?
Me: Its a THONG on a CAR!!
Ashlee: Exactly. What's the point of thongs anyhow? Maybe it didn't want its underwear lines to show.
Me: *giggle hysterically*
Hmmm, in hindsight, maybe not that funny, but after a bottle of wine, Ashlee and I are cracking ourselves up. We are our best audience! =D
*on a side note: thank God the security cameras in the office don't have sound or I'm pretty sure we would be institutionalized by now!*
Want some candy Lil Girl?!?!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Its a Girl!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009
Service with an extra shot of love
I'd like to introduce you to the best servers EVER!!!
This is Bruce. "Hello Bruce".
He started out with us that night, but had to go home to his wife.
IDK, something about having been at work since 10 that morning. Wuss!
Although he did offer to make us dinner! LOL
It's also a great place to people watch. We saw some dude dressed like a lumber jack. A kid wearing a "Nintendo Power" satin jacket and a guy with corn rows that went into a mohawk. Yeah, I almost spit out my alcohol when I saw that one. Talk about a major party foul!
Appropriately Named
One day Ashlee was reading an article in our local rag about an Italian Restaurant in Burien that no only serves up traditional cheese steak sandwiches, but they also happen to be one of the only places in WA that you can find Tastykakes. Kudos Hey Paison. And if you're ever in Burien, I HIGHLY recommend picking up a package or 5!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A Bun In The Oven

Some days are slow around The Farm and when we get bored Ashlee and I come up with crack-pot ideas and scenarios....ALOT!! Recently in 1 of our brain-storm sessions we noticed that we were both feeling the same symptoms: hot, dizzy, nauseous, hungry but never fully satisfied, craving things like KFC cole slaw and a bean burrito (with extra cheese, no onions and fire sauce), extremely tired....well you get the picture. So we said to each other "Hey You must be pregnant". Ashlee being the....smarter of us two, went to the local Dollar Tree (YES the Dollar store!!!) and bought herself a pregnancy test....negatory. I on the other hand, I LOVE Egypt this time of year and insist on living in Denial! Honestly, its gorgeous and the sun is always shinning. But I digress.
So in talking about being pregnant we decided that no zygote should go unnamed. *Giggle* I just LOVE that word....zygote. It just tickles me, kinda like saying the word 'spelunking'.
Whoops off track again....yet another symptom, you lose brain cells!
So we decided that zygote needs to have a name. We can't just very well call it "It" what kind of a mother would I be? The kind that is not quite divorced to one person and yet is in a serious relationship with another...that's what kind! LOL
Without further ado, let me introduce you to Baby Zygote. Her name is 'ǻZёёanqdrieia-FrΫdaǽ Desembrrr-Whintare T'BarqillyT. For those of you who don't speak trailer trash, let me interrupt for you. Its Zandrea-Friday December-Winter Barley. And just in case you're curious where the Friday, December and Winter came from, that's all Ashlee. See she wants to name her real life kids after the Day of the week they are born, the month and the season.
Now our mantra in the office is "what Zygote wants, Zygote gets" So if we're Jonesing for some yummy Girl Scout cookies, its not actually Ashlee and I that want them, its zygote! =D