Ashlee: OMG this girl smells like Aussie hair products. LOL and eeeek at the same time.
Me: LOL. Funny, she doesn't look like her picture. (oh she had submitted her online resume with a picture of her. I'm pretty sure it was her senior portrait from like 5 years ago).
Ashlee: UMMMM not really at all. The eyes a little. Maybe she got the picture off the Internet. I think I'll put Katie Holmes as my resume pic. Who will you put?
Me: Well if you put Katie, then I will be your Tom.
Ashlee: Sounds like a deal. That's a good cliche! You'll be the Tom Cruise to my Katie Holmes. Good in a wedding speech.
Me: Perfect. Now you can write your speech for my wedding! You will be my Katie and Steve can be our Suri.
Ashlee: Even better. Steve can be Tom, you can be Katie and I can be Suri. We're a little family.
Me: Yes like the Tree of Trust.
Ashlee: No we are the Triangle of Trust. See there is 3 of us and a triangle has 3 sides.
Me: Perfect. *sneezes for the 1 millionth time*
Ashlee: Bless you
Me: Thanks. *puts antibacterial hand gel on my arm (I sneeze into my arm jeez)* Hey. I wonder if you can use antibacterial gel like a spermicide. You know in case you ever run out of spermicide.
Ashlee: Why don't you just pour Jager in your Vag?
Me: Can you do that?!?!
Ashlee: No wait, that's not right. That only speeds the little guys up.
Me: Do tell Yoda.
Ashlee: Ever notice how most pregnancies happen when you're drunk!
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