Me: Damn, I forgot the pumps. There goes my social life! LOL
Ashlee: I don't get it.
Me: Clueless...sex toy...social life!
Ashlee: What? Your texts are confusing me.
Me: Sorry, I meant that I want to include the breast pumps in my sex life. LOL
Ashlee: Ok. I was not understanding you. Now I do. You make me laugh. Lol the more you explain the more it makes more sense. then the funnier you get. For a sec i was wondering if you were drinking vodka chased with some pain meds
Me: Oh you know me SO well! Got my martini shaker in the passenger seat. Buckled in, of course.
Ashlee:Of course. Buckled up for safety. You can't be wastin the good stuff.
Me: Exactly, I have precious cargo. Maybe i should put my shaker in P's carseat. You know, just in case.
Ashlee: I think you should! Of make the sharker their own car seat.
Me: GENIUS! I'm going to Lowe's right now!
Ashlee: Good idea. Don't leave Lil S in the car! They might get stolen.
I think it goes without saying, Ashlee is going to make a GREAT Mom. Always looking out for the safety of our most precious cargo!
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