Steven and I made date plans for last Friday night. I was totally excited and giddy for it ALL week long. Its nice for some "adult" time after having the 3 kids all week. I ransacked my closet for something cute and summery to wear, finally deciding on a short, black & white spaghetti strap sun dress paired with some really cute 4 inch heel, platform Mary Janes.
We decided on a restaurant called 13 Coins, since Steven had never been there before. Its a really cool place. You can sit in high back chairs up at the counter and watch the chefs work or you can sit in booths with backs that go all the way to the ceiling for some privacy. We were seated at the counter.....perhaps I should mention now that there was a 8 inch platform at the counter that you had to step up on to get to the chairs (you can see where this is going).
We get seated, order our food and a bottle of wine. I decide that now would be a perfect time to go "powder my nose". As I got up to leave, we smooched a little, all the while making the people eating around us throw up a little.....And then I fell off the platform!!! Yup right off the mother f*cking platform....onto my ass!!! I did manage to knock some guy into the wall and twist my ankle in the process of FALLING ON MY ASS!!! (I'm an awesome date.) Mean while Steven is sitting there pouring wine not even noticing that I'm laying on the floor with my legs in the air.....classy! Should I mention here that I hadn't had anything to drink yet?!?! All I could do was look up at him and say "whoops, I missed the step".
What can I say? I love the way Steven kisses, it just does something to me.....it makes me retarded. I mean short-bus riding, window-licking, helmet-wearing retarded! Remember on the cartoons when they would see fireworks and stars and crap, well that's me. I get completely discombobulated.
Eventually, I did force myself, bruised ankle....and ego in tow, out of the stall and went back to enjoy dinner. Lucky for me, he was still there.
Of COURSE I was still there my sweet. I thought nothing of it! It was just something cute to talk about. The date was PERFECT! The company was AMAZING and the food and wine were great!
LOL you poor thing!!! glad you still managed to show your face and still have dinner!
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