There is a poem called "Reason, Season, Lifetime" The jest of it is that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I believe it to be so true. We are meant to learn a lesson from everyone we come in contact with, even if they are just in our life for a very short amount of time. Whether its to get us out of a crappy job, a crappy relationship or to be the pathway to meeting the person that you were meant to spend the rest of your life with. Recently I had the pleasure of meeting such a person.
Our situation didn't start out as traditional as most do, she's my X-husband's girlfriend. Over the 9 months that they have been dating, we met in person once, DM'd on FB a few times, but other than that, not much interaction. Upon meeting her for the first time, I thought she was an amazing person. You could just see the life, the light, the energy radiating from her and yes, I was jealous. She is such a beautiful person inside and out. I was jealous, not of their relationship, but of her self-confidence, something I wasn't feeling at the time that I met her. However, last Saturday I had the pleasure of getting to spend the day with her and learned that we have SO much in common!!! We believe in the power of positive thinking. We know that we are strong, positive, powerful women, whether we are with a man or not. We want the same things out of life and we want the same things for my son (which is MOST important). I ALWAYS told my X that in my heart of hearts, I wanted his S.O. to treat my son as if he were their own and to be able to be at family functions together without any weirdness between us. I have to say that L treats my son as if he were her own and I love her for that.
So we met at a restaurant last Saturday with plans to go out for a walk around the lake to talk. I got to the restaurant first and as soon as I saw her, it was like seeing my childhood BFF!!! It wasn't awkward or weird and neither of us were standoff-ish as some X's and new S.O.s might be. We met each other with a BIG hug. We sat and talked for hours. Then we did girlie stuff like get fake eyelashes done at Nordstrom. I had NEVER laughed SO much or had SO much fun with someone that I barely knew. We just had this instant connection. She spent the night at night at my house and we literally stayed up until 2am just talking. We found that we just had SO much in common. Even our workouts are similar and we want to try the same things like a pole dancing class. She just has SO much confidence and energy radiating from her, its contagious, not to mention that she's just gorgeous, picture Demi Moore. And she says just the right things just when I need to hear them most.
I do hope that she and my X are a "lifetime". But if not, I know that she met him for a "reason". She and I are seriously like sisters!!! And although we have REALLY only gotten to know each other for a week, I love her as if we had known each other for the past 30 years.
I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to L. You are a WONDERFUL person and I LOVE having you in my life!
Do any of you have people like that in your life???
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