Tomorrow, P-Man turns 4!!! The time has flown by. I can still remember what I was doing 4 years ago today getting ready for his arrival. 27 hours of labor & 4 hours of hard pushing later, he was here. So here's a quick look back at how he's changed in 4 years.
7 months preggo.
1 day old. our first day home.
1 year old. Funny I don't rememberhim being so fat. LOL
Christmas 2008.
Awe he's adorable! Happy Bday PMAN
Hope you guys have fun tomorrow! Happy birthday Master P!!
Aww...sooooo cute! Happy birthday Master P!
Happy Birthday P-Man! =D Can't wait until the party Saturday!
Oh yes and I must say that Mom was very HOT even 7 months pregnant! Rawrrrr!
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